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We have been providing Astrology Consultation and advice on true Vedic principles since the year 2000. Over two million customers have benefited with our free and premium services till date. We have prepared D9 Navamsa report with 5 years Scan:

Why use the Navamsa chart:

  • A Navamsa Chart throws up many deeply hidden but highly significant planetary combinations & results that are not apparent with a straight study of your birth chart from Sun sign or Moon sign or star sign or ascending sign etc.
  • This is due to the fact that Sun takes 30 days to traverse a zodiac sign while Moon takes about 2.5 days, a star takes about 24 hours and an ascendant takes about 2 hours while a Navamsa takes only 13 to 15 minutes.
  • Thus in a D9 chart, the reference point becomes very precise and helps bring out very accurate forecast for an individual.
  • This method is especially suitable for matters of relationship, marriage and marital life.

Description of your life partner based on your birth chart D1:

  • Your life partner will be dutiful and religious minded in nature.
  • He will be basically a happy person, will make you happy and will develop a basically good relationship with you.
  • He will be fond of outward attractions of various hues and also quite adamant and of dominating nature yet not very confident about acting in such manners.
  • He may not be very strong in health or in mentality and may withdraw to within safe boundaries if strongly challenged.
  • His attitude and ways of handling life can create many disagreements and also loss of wealth.
  • He may have some undesirable habits and can be quite fickle mined and harsh at times.
  • Overall he will be intelligent, frank, and generally fair.
  • He will become quite accommodative with time.
  • He can be quite older than you or at least may look so.
  • He can be occasionally much volatile and may get excited or angered easily.
  • But he will calm down very easily if spoken to with love and softness.
  • Overall he will be able to give you a comfortable and happy life if you understand and accept his needs and ways and act accordingly.
  • In case of a remarriage, your spouse may not be very stable in his affections to you and as such you will need to handle this state intelligently according to the level of his attitude.
  • Marital discord is expected, and if not handled right it may move to separation too.
  • Loss of wealth will be another result.
  • Differences of viewpoints will be fundamental, strong and frequent.
  • With care and caution, you can get much positively morphed results than what is readily seen at a glance.
  • He will be amenable to right handling but will like to show that he is not.
  • Assessment of your D 9 Chart - to check the physical & mental attributes of your partner, your sexual orientation, general luck in such matters:

Physical and mental attributes of spouse/partner:

  • Since Mars, the lord of 7th house from your ascendant in your D9 chart, is placed in the 8th house but in conjunction with Jupiter in his own sign, your spouse will have somewhat affected health but will possess a very positive mindset.
  • He will know how to act and deal with any specific person, especially in a relationship.
  • This is more due to the fact that Jupiter, a natural benefic planet is your Amatya Karaka planet.
  • 6:8 positions between Mars and Venus, may sometimes affect the overall strength of your spouse but this will be mainly due to the fact that it will drain him through vigorous sexual activity with you.
  • This will be a two-way thing as you will much enjoy the vigorous sexual intimacy but it may become gradually inconsistent and may run the risk of tapering down.
  • At the same time such physical love may occasionally lack in tenderness and this may lead to conflicts at a later stage.
  • But the above Venus and Mars relationship is partially modified and toned down by benign influence of Jupiter placed with Mars.
  • Yet your spouse may not be consistent in his control of his desires or the style of its expression, and thus his fondness for you will keep changing from time to time.
  • His preferences for any specific person as his partner may also waver due to Rahu in the 7th house but such changes in preference will be only very temporary.
  • Soon these trends will take a break and he will repent and will come back to you much reformed.

Your own sexual orientation and general luck in such matters:

  • In your birth chart you have your Venus exalted in the 8thhouse while Jupiter, the lord of the 8th house of sex life, in the 9th house of Dharma.
  • Thus though you will not lack in physical vigor or in keenness for sex, you may be acting in a restrictive manner as you may be over conscious about avoiding excesses and to remain within limits.
  • But you will need to keep in mind that you will require to keep your spouse or partner fully and consistently satisfied.
  • You will actually like him to be vigorous in sex but you will expect some encouragement from him to pep up your mental orientation.
  • Yet you will manage to maintain deep, sincere and cooperative approach and attitude towards sexual activities arising out of real love developed from energetic sex life.
  • Yet you will often have occasional mood swings about sex life or even when just being together.
  • Remember your Jupiter aspects Mars in birth chart and thus you will not cross any boundary.
  • But Jupiter significator for marriage and trine to Mars is very auspicious in birth chart D1 and thus he provides much sober and real love and can improve the status to a very great degree.
  • Thus your overall luck in marital or other relationship with any male can be quite true and honest and at the same time quite vigorous in sexual matters.
  • To keep this positivity on a higher tone, you can use your fair taste, intelligence and determination to maintain stability and happiness through various adjustments.

Predictions for this period till 15 Oct 2018:

  • The next five years [till 15 Oct 2021] are ruled by the main period of Jupiter and by the balance of sub period of Jupiter [till 07 Nov 2018] and then by sub period lord Saturn till 20 May 2021 and finally by a minor part of the sub period of Mercury till 15 Oct 2018 and beyond.
  • In birth chart, Jupiter is moderately strong but quite weak in digbala [directional strength] and hence Jupiter is quite inactive in giving good results.
  • Also Jupiter, the significator planet of marriage, gets the adverse aspect of natal Saturn.
  • Natal Saturn is right opposite to Sun [very negative] and is very adversely placed at the center of the nodal axis.
  • But Saturn is favorable in trine to exalted Venus [very positive].
  • But Saturn is not positive for domestic life as he is in the 4th house from Moon sign.
  • Also Saturn is opposing Venus in your D9 chart [fully negative].
  • Mercury is quit adverse with Mars in the 5th house of love from ascendant and in the 9th house from Moon.
  • Further Mercury is not strong and has very poor digbala [inactive for giving good results].
  • In D9 chart Mercury is aspected by Saturn [negative].
  • Thus period lords can give only mixed effects and much will depend on your wisdom, anticipation, judgment, priorities, efforts, cooperation and adjustments.
  • Together all of them can offer only minor opportunities for love or relationship, provided you can communicate well and in right time.
  • In your D1 chart both Sun and Moon are afflicted by aspect of Saturn.
  • In D9 chart Venus is opposed by Saturn.
  • Thus delay in marriage is quite possible.
  • In case you are looking for marriage, the next five years cannot grant this since the period lords and the transits of planets do not support as per the D1 birth chart.
  • In D9 chart, there is some thin chance of marriage during the second half of 2019.
  • In case you are married, the following trends are expected.
  • Till 27 Oct 2017, transit Saturn will be in the 8th house from Moon and in the 4th house from ascendant.
  • Thus marital life will move through a highly troubled phase.
  • There will be major differences and disagreements, total lack of mutual cooperation, many unexpected yet unavoidable situations, events and demands for major sums of money very frequently.
  • There will not be any financial or any other support from any other sources.
  • Handling all these will be extremely difficult and in turn these will affect home life peace in a very big way.
  • Transit Saturn will also move over Rahu and opposite Sun in your D9 chart and this will make way for bitter differences and quarrels.
  • All these will not offer chances for getting or building up any new relationship either.
  • This period will need your mature and continued attention and support for positive growth or at least for maintaining stability.
  • After 27 Oct 2017, transit Saturn will be in the 9th house from Moon and in the 5th house of love from ascendant in D1 chart and also highly ill placed in square to natal Venus [all very negative].
  • At this stage in D9 chart, transit Saturn will be in the 8th house from ascendant and in 6:8 locations from natal Venus [very negative] and will move over Moon, Mars and Jupiter in D9 chart and will create many confusing and contradictory situations.
  • Thus all your efforts for love and romance should be very patiently focused and very intelligently handled so that you can have a relationship started or can continue one well and successfully.
  • Nurture any possibility of relationship if you get, in such manner that you can keep it secure throughout these years.

General attitude towards relations & type of life partners you could attract:

  • With Saturn, the lord of your 7th house from ascendant being the house of bed pleasures and expenses in D1 chart, you will be have preference for wealthy and sexually active partners.
  • But Saturn being opposite Sun [ascendant lord] both of you will prefer to rule over your partner or spouse.
  • Thus both you and your spouse may also feel dominated or contested by you.
  • Jupiter, the lord of 5th house of love from ascendant is afflicted by the nodes and is aspected by Saturn.
  • Thus the love you get will not have any strong foundation and will not be able to bring much lasting or meaningful happiness.
  • The same negative trend is applicable to D9 chart but by Mercury [5th house lord is in 6th house and aspected by Saturn].
  • You may face marital discord despite very active and enjoyable sexual relation.
  • Tendency to separate from spouse or partner can develop suddenly and this should be avoided.
  • Due to your inherent tendencies and qualities, you will attract partners who are financially well off and of healthy and strong built or at least looks active and tough.
  • You will find that all of them are much fond of carnal pleasures.

Suggestions for success in love / marriage

  • It will be necessary to assess what you can offer to your partner or spouse before you start assessing him with respect to your own needs and expectations.
  • This will prepare you take measures for betterment of self and make yourself more desirable for a longer duration.
  • There will be many occasions of disagreements but do not reject them as normal and insignificant, but do not also over react to them.
  • All disagreements should be noted, thought about impartially and acted upon for a better love life or marital life.
  • However do not submit yourself to each and every hint for a change or demand, be sure that you can accept them and meet them for a longer duration.
  • If you are sure that you can take all these, go ahead without any confusion.
  • Trust each other well but ask questions when you need to really ask.
  • Avoid discussing your friend circle or your past voluntarily or seeking such information on these areas from your spouse or partner.
  • In brief, it is live and let live that will give you the most stable and peaceful life for you.


  • Chant “Om Durgaoii Namah” everyday as very frequently as possible, the more the better.
  • Even silent chanting will do.
  • Donate sugar and milk to any temple of any Goddess or to orphanages on every Friday.
  • Donate five [or any other odd number] ripe banana-s every Thursday as above.

