Spiritual Astrology Profile

Spiritual Astrology Profile


Spiritual inclination happens to be one of the quite unique uplifted states of mind driven without material motives. We are either born with it or it's a move that comes to us with material satiation or through a need to reduce our material pursuits.

Spirituality often gets confused with Religion, but they are very different from each other. Religion can create a moral pressure to prove one’s spirituality, but Spirituality frees one from any sort of pressure or obligation, helping one to lead an enlightened life.

How does Astrology identify Spirituality?

There are many routes that destiny takes for spirituality to enter your life:

  • Detachment oriented Spirituality: This has at its root the planet Ketu and an inherent weakness of Saturn - since stronger the Saturn, stronger would be one’s material desires.
  • Knowledge driven Spirituality: Jupiter & Mercury have a great role to play here as the more you understand, the higher spiritual platform you would achieve and your thought process becomes more pure.
  • Weakness driven Spirituality: Here the inherent weakness of your Ascendant lord or Moon becomes the reason to escape the material world and its responsibilities. This type of spirituality borders on ascetism & detachment from the world ('sanyasi').
  • Passion driven Spirituality: While it may seem contradictory, this is the category which finds the maximum converts from material world to the spiritual world. It is driven by the need to find solace & also to make a difference to oneself & the world.


Note: All of us have a base for spirituality in us. The right destiny trigger or direction awakens this spirituality and, consequently, results in emotional freedom and satiation. For some, such triggers could be yoga and meditation, for others it could be religion, social service, etc.

Benefits of Spiritual Profile Report:

  • Assess how spiritually inclined you are currently and whether this will change on its own or with help over a period of time.
  • Assess your actual spirituality triggers.
  • Assess ways to achieve a higher spiritual plane.
  • Assess your spiritual journey over the next 15 years.
  • Assess how you can balance a spiritual life with your professional & family life.
  • Provide a Vedic mantra, if that works for you.

Helpful Tips:

  • Assess your actual spirituality triggers.
  • Assess ways to achieve a higher spiritual plane.
  • Assess your spiritual journey over the next 15 years.
  • Assess how you can balance a spiritual life with your professional & family life.
  • Get a Vedic mantra, if that works for you.

Report Size:

12 Pages


