People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
Pisces are so imaginative, creative and perceptive by nature that they seem like a misfit in the rationally and logically governed corporate world. If a Pisces has climbed up to the top level in your company, his job surely has some amount of creativity involved in it.
Money alone cannot make him stick to a job. Neither can power and authority.
Pisces boss will not have any motivation to dominate and control his employees. He will seldom be aggressive, mean and forceful in his approach. But he surely is unpredictable and mysterious. He is best suited for creative industry where his intuition, dreaminess and imagination can soar.
Pisces boss will be sympathetic towards your personal problems. He will mystically know when you are sad, troubled or hurt. He will be kind, gentle and caring. However, if you criticize him or oppose his views ardently, he can be rather sarcastic.
How to impress a Pisces Boss?
Pisces boss always gets impressed by employees who are highly creative and imaginative. However, this is not to say that if you are not creative, he will fire you or dislike you. His company will have enough logical and rational thinkers too who, he knows, will take care of practical things he cannot handle.
What can make a Pisces Boss angry?
Pisces are deeply sensitive souls. Your Pisces boss can get hurt very easily. If you do not support his dreams and visions, no matter how unrealistic they sound, you will lose his faith and interest. He also doesn’t like selfish, mean and cunning people.
You may also like Career Analysis Reading. It is an intuitive Vedic analysis to understand how your career would shape up in the coming years.
A promising day for all kinds of activities, be it personal or professional. Today, all your important work gets completed without any hassles and you feel relaxed. Progress in career is also possible as long as you keep a dynamic approach. Your... MoreTomorrow Horoscope
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