People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
Aries man is a very energetic individual who likes to get things done quickly and even ruthlessly sometimes. If the idea of living an adventurous life filled with thrill, risk and passion attracts you - you will have a great married life with this guy. If, however, all you wanted was security in the arms of a lover and a comfortable space to spend the rest of your life - you might not really enjoy the ride.
The Aries man in marriage becomes an intensely loyal and devoted husband. Some of his self-seeking behavior vanishes and he starts playing the role of a giver in the relationship. He will love you with all his heart and soul. He will make you believe that true love exists and that it is possible for love stories to have happy endings.
This Aries Man personality reading is based on the Moon Sign, the sign where the Moon was placed at the time of your birth. If you do not know your Moon Sign, click here to find it out for free!
Qualities you will love in your Aries Man
An Aries man in love with you can fill your life with some steamy hot romance and passion. Aries man in bed is extremely exciting and passionate. This man is known to take pride in his sexual prowess. Aries are also very loyal husbands. Married life with an Aries would seldom have dull, boring moments.
Traits you wish your Aries Man never had
The Aries man in relationship or marriage with you can be very dominating and demanding. You need to be nothing less than a super-woman to impress him, and in return he might not be that appreciative of your efforts and talents. You need to have a lot of patience, care and passion to handle super-charged Aries nature.
Your Aries has a slapdash approach to handle finances and domestic chores. He will be very direct with you on what he wants and how to achieve it. You might feel he is brutally honest with you sometimes.
You may also like Love Marriage Compatibility Report. It is a unique report available in the Vedic Astrology system. It provides the match strength on a scale of 1 to 36.
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