Rahu Mahadasha Mars Antardasha

Antar Dasha Interpretation



Effect of the Rahu Mahadasha Mars Antardasha


  • Many upheavals and movements may arise.
  • Physical pain, lack of enthusiasm and loss of memory are possible.
  • Position may be lost and fear of king, thieves, fire and weapons prevail.
  • Public opinion, residing in one's native land, wife and son may be disturbed or harmed.
  • Effects like the recovery of a lost kingdom (reinstatement in a high position in government) and recovery of lost wealth, property at home, and increase in agricultural production, gain of wealth, blessings by the household deity ( Isht Dev) , happiness from children, enjoyment of good food, etc.
  • There will be acquisition of red coloured garments, journeys, audience with the king (meeting with high governmental officials), well being of children and employer, attainment of the position of a commander of the army, enthusiasm, and gain of wealth through kinsmen.
  • Distress of wife, children, and co-born, loss of position, antagonistic relations with children, wife , and other close relations, danger from thieves, wounds and pain in the body.

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