An aggressive approach will prove very beneficial today to tackle all kinds of issues. Your persuasion will lead you to success. If you have been laboring hard and making efforts to promote business/ career, you will be well rewarded today. Just wait patiently for the day to unfurl pleasant surprises related to your business or job.
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Leo is the powerhouse among all the signs in the zodiac. Fearlessness, ambition and leadership come naturally to you. You march towards success like lion roaring in a jungle. You like being center of the universe. You are generous and like blowing your trumpet while achieving things. You like to be in the company of those who don’t steal the limelight from you. You are a beacon of light and optimism for everyone around you. Your mind and hands have both the ability to create and the power to destruct. Others bask in your glory when you are happy but when you are unhappy they also have to bear the brunt of it. You don’t plan things but it is your charisma and magnetic personality that does the job for you. You like to move slow & steady in life building a loyal team. Confidence is your biggest strength but at times you forget that there is a very thin line between confidence and overconfidence. Cheerful & uplifting, you like stability and longevity in relationships. However you tend to become dominating at times. You like helping people and garner praise. Criticism is a very hard pill for you to digest....more
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