People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
In Vedic Astrology, Moon is the significator of Mind. Moon is the heavenly body closest to Earth, the cosmic and magnetic influences and energy of all other planets reaches Earth through the Moon.
Another key thing to note here is that mind is ruled by Moon and all influences on the human being whether physical, psychological or supernatural affect the human mind since they are filtered through your Moon Sign. The human body which is ruled by SUN may or may not respond to the mental / psychological / supernatural influences.
This is the reason why Vedic Astrology reckons the planetary movements based on your Moon Sign.
To Know your Moon Sign instantly, please click here. Once you know your Moon Sign, you can read your daily, monthly and yearly Horoscope. At the same time, you can order personalized report too. You would be able to consult the Vedic Astrologer as well put up any questions you have been seeking the answer for.
Wonderful day for people in business as well as partnerships. Waste no more time and get going with your latest plans for expansion or enter pricey deals—your luck is with you today. Positive developments are possible on all fronts. Be it romance... MoreTomorrow Horoscope
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