People with same Sun Sign usually have different Moon Signs. The Moon Sign based horoscope is more accurate than the one based on Sun Sign. Indastro prepares all horoscopes on Moon Sign as prescribed by the Vedic system.
Scorpio individuals have a great knack to know your innermost instinct. They will know & understand you better than you would understand yourself. As per the horoscope drawn on the principles of Vedic Astrology, Scorpio is a fixed sign and the Scorpio Moon individuals follow their own ways of doing things. This makes them less flexible. They generally are not a great team player. They are deep and mysterious and the people around them will find it difficult to understand what's going in the mind of a Scorpio.
They are passionate and emotional beings who can get hurt easily but will never show it apparently. However, they will harbor grudges for long and will be unforgiving towards those who have hurt them. Though intensely emotional, their anger never gets converted into words and is rather let out in other ways, making them vindictive beings.
They are the individuals with strong intuitive powers also. A Scorpio Moon has a magnetic personality. They are determined and ambitious. They are secretive by nature too and at times, this trait makes them much unpredictable and difficult to understand. They are overly possessive people when it comes to relationship and do not take rejection very easily and posses a jealous nature.
Its time to feel lucky! A promising day with fair chances of unexpected gains. The sudden gains will leave you surprised and jolly. The day seems to be showering its blessings more on businessmen as they are likely to reap benefits before the day... MoreTomorrow Horoscope
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