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We have been providing astrology consultation and advice on true vedic principles on the internet since 2000 and serviced over a million customers with our free and premium services. We have prepared Career Analysis Report with 10 years forecast
Position in the areas dealing with the following in the given order of preference or an appropriate combination of some of them will be suitable for you.
Technical Advisor
Research & development
Associated work
Advertising and communication
Field work and survey
Planner or management
Contractual work
In your natal chart, the 10th (house of profession) lord Moon is placed in 1st (house of personality) at Libra sign along with having close conjunction with 9th (house of fortune and happiest trips) & 12th (house of abroad and organizational approach) lord Mercury but both are also having aspect of opposition with most inharmonious planet Mars. However the conjunction between Moon-Mercury are having inimical relationship but due to lordship of Kendra-trikona it is significant planetary combination and making a Kendra-trikona raj-yoga in your chart, that’ why you are having good professional abilities along with knowledge about that but unable to get support of your dear ones, family person and your friends to enhance your professional opportunities and objectives. But if you get chance so far away from your native place or living in abroad then you will be having better feelings and satisfactions in your life. The Saturn is most significant planet of your chart due to having lordship of 4th (house of stability and happiness) and 5th (house of growth and development) which is also placed in the house of fortune at his friendly sign but due to its retrograde position and close conjunction of Ketu. With this, Ascendant lord Venus is placed in 3rd (house of courage, initiation and immediate environment) along with conjunction of Rahu and having mutual aspect with Saturn, which is another important raj-yoga due to also having lordship of Kendra-trikona but aspect with Rahu-Ketu may give hidden foes in your life which may divert your mind from a righteous direction of your professional life. That’ why this is also strengthening your professional perspectives but it will get stability in gradual and steady way due to frequent hindrances in your path. The income lord Sun is placed in the house of wealth which is favorable for making valuable & influential position in your professional life. That’ why you will affluent and comfortable financially but it may affect your professional and personal relationship. The Jupiter is inharmonious planet of your chart due to having lordship of third and sixth house but due to debilitated position this period would be medium and give positive approach along with supportive environment. Although running sub period of Rahu under period of Saturn indicates frequent obstacles or conflict with working associates which would unfavorable for getting happiness through professional activities. However coming sub period of Jupiter would be progressive for new professional developments and attainments, but you will have to put your regular efforts to make sincerity and discipline in working life and wait for better prospects.
Considering planetary influences as well oncoming dasa periods, in running periods there are many difficulties for any partnership and coming periods are more favorable for service than that of business.
NOTE:The readings given below are based on the understanding that the guidelines given above are followed.
Otherwise the readings may vary WIDELY in Nature, degree and timing.
Existing career will pass through gradual growth with such frequent hindrances in professional perspectives.
Till 2014, period would be average and work will be running with such obstacles.
Career will pass through gradual growth along with regular obstructions and hindrances.
Post Feb 2015, professional things would be in process and attain such growth points.
This growth would be very forwards and supportive to giving good stability in professional life.
Period post May 2017 indicates major changes in career and growth in professional life which would be continued up to Apr 2018 but by May 2018 it demands hard work and patience in remaining period of 2018 and 2019.
During 2020 you must be concerning about professional matters and shouldn’t incline towards hasty decisions.
Much of your tensions and worries for career would get relieved and you are having good chances for reinforcement of career post 2020.
In starting of 2021 there would be strong chances to materialize such favorable changes in career and the career would notice much betterment with rise in income.
Career continues with smooth and steady progress and oncoming period of Venus is indicating enhancement of working area along with good professional returns.
The period of 2022 would notice regular betterment in your income, profits and saving.
Despite all these things you will make very good progress in remaining period of 2023
All these professional growth will be in out of country.
But results would be slow and gradual way by Sep 2023 onwards so you should take it positively and actively till Jun 2024.
Overall professional graph will go upwards.
Existing period would be confusing due to average working growth.
There would also be such hindrances and restrictions in working environment.
You must be careful about your professional relations and behave with calm & cool attitude.
You will have to maintain your sincerity towards existing projects because your professional position will depend at your decisions, which would be very important for professional continuation.
Hard efforts and dedication must be required to attain success in your professional targets in this period.
So you take precaution then you would be in benefits but pressure of work would be continued as earlier in remaining period of 2014.
YEAR 2015:
Up to Feb 2015 earlier period would be continued as earlier without any positive changes.
But post 9th Mar 2015 problems will be reducing gradually and feel better in working environment.
A schedule enhancement may possible during Apr-May 2015 along with place change so you should accept with positively and actively that would be beneficial for long term prospects in career.
A good rise in income would be possible along with many perks.
Then professional life will again run with smooth way and expected progress would be there in remaining period of 2015.
In last quarter of 2015 your professional responsibility will enhance and these projects would be fortunate for valuable results in your professional life.
These projects will run under your authority which would be important for professional experiences and growth in future prospects.
It would be continued in long term, so you should do work in planned and organized way.
Professional things would also beneficial to continue good and steady growth and success.
YEAR 2016:
The working environment would be positive along close relationship with your authorities.
In 1st half of 2016 you will be very affective on your working associates along with getting steady growth in career.
You will able to implement new and innovative ideas in running career and equally get rewarded too.
All things will again favorable along profile betterment as better perspectives in same organization.
Results would be expected and may also above than your expectations due to support of your fate.
In 2nd half of 2016 professional things would be influential and also give a smooth and steady progress in profession.
If you continue your dedication and concentration towards your targets then it may become luckier period of your life, which may also give a platform towards your professional settlements.
So you should utilize your available resources and try to reach optimum value of them.
YEAR 2017:
With starting of 2017 things would be more supportive and beneficial around your working environment.
Your professional colleagues and superiors will also be supportive and you will be enjoyed your professional life.
During this period you will feel with good professional establishments along with steady growth.
You will be successful to getting some valuable and precious opportunity in your career during May-Jun 2017.
Place change may also occur by this professional change, but would be fruitful for decent pay and perks.
Working environment will go towards a decent growth and this would be full of enjoy and happiness.
Professional position will be growing well and you will be successful to getting some valuable results of your existing efforts.
You will also get reward for this work by your company in 2nd half of 2017.
Professional responsibility and these projects would be fortunate such valuable results in your professional life.
YEAR 2018:
All things would be continued as earlier during 1st quarter of 2018.
You will able to reach at your professional targets through support of immediate environment and positive approach.
Results would be as per your expectations along with healthy relationship till Mar 2018
But by Apr 2018 professional things would not be good for any type of professional decision.
So you should very careful and conscious about your responsibility and position.
Hasty decisions may create such new type of problems in your working life.
That’s why existing projects might be delayed and you will be unable to get your expected results in your career.
Professional life would be continued with much resistance initially and you will have to do regular efforts to finish your existing projects.
Things would be continued in whole year of 2018 which would be complicated to face any conflicts.
Such personal matters may dominate at your career and may face frequent challenges in work.
So working environment would not be positive and care is needed to keep patience & harmony in professional life.
YEAR 2019:
Professional life is indicating frequent difficulties in professional prospects.
During 2019 working environment would not be positive, so care is needed to keep patience & harmony in professional life.
By hurried decision such professional mistakes may increase your professional troubles. Its negative impacts and effects would be continued in remaining period of 2019.
Existing things would be opposite to you and hidden foes may dominate during whole years.
Returns will not be as per your expectations and hope.
In this period such personal matters may also dominate at your career which may enhance difficulties of professional activities.
For getting better results you will have to canalize your abilities and try to make balance in working environment.
Adjustment with colleagues & seniors and hard work would be profitable for coming future.
So you should very conscious and energetic to utilize your available resource and time.
YEAR 2020:
This year would also be quite average for expected growth and success.
Running period would be continued with much resistance initially and you will have to do regular efforts.
The working environment would be average and not suitable for you and professional relationship, especially with working partners or colleagues.
The period of 1st half of 2020 working schedule would be very busy with new professional tasks, but you can manage very well by your own authoritative ability.
Such positive points would be there in Jul-Sep 2020 by regular and positive efforts.
But with Aug 2020 sudden obstacles may also occur and that can generate the problems for your targets, so you will have to hard work for getting expected results.
Such hidden foes may be attacking frequently at your work, so you should not loose your confidence and do the work sincerely in remaining period of 2020.
Working schedule would be tight, this may indicate stress and pressure in your working life.
So you should canalize your abilities and adjust with working environment.
At this stage you must have to be very flexible in work and must not get into any argument whatsoever.
YEAR 2021:
Running period may give such resistance and restrictions due to unfavorable working environment in 1st quarter of 2021.
The facilities needed for achieving these targets would be nearly absent.
Criticism for failing to meet the goals would be quite harsh and frequent.
But by 2nd Mar 2021 period will influence some relieving effect by a strong decision related to professional change.
This decision indicates change of working place along with environment which may materialize finally in Apr-May 2021.
This change would be major movement in career along with auspicious and important decision towards better establishment in your career.
You may start a new venture in your professional life.
With this initiation you will be very active by support of such professional friends.
There would be such meeting with professional friends and relatives which would be prosperous for new professional development, so you should see your available resources.
Although you will have to do work in very organized manner because growth would be lesser that your expectation in last quarter of 2021.
So you regular efforts must be positive for your professional success and growth in career.
Overall your professional graph will go upwards and results would be positive.
YEAR 2022:
This year would be favorable for your professional achievements.
The starting of 2022 things would be very positive for optimistic growth and development in career, which would be encouraging to enjoy your professional prospects.
In 1st half of 2022 professional relations would be decent with such important professional personalities which would be profitable for long term prospects in career.
So you should try to maintain these relations.
The period indicates good success in professionally undertakings and you are having good chances for reinforcement of career.
Working environment will go towards a decent growth and this would be full of enjoy and happiness.
Professional prospect will run in regular way in remaining period of 2022.
Present circumstances would be favorable for your professional surroundings.
YEAR 2023:
The period of 2023 would be right phase for long range plans to be made at your work.
Your intellect and creativity will function at their peak now.
You will know very clearly what actions are needed at what time.
In general you will be happy but you will be too proud and touchy about your ideas.
And you will also enjoy with this work by your intellect and capacity of hard work.
You can utilize your contacts in completion of professional task.
Encouragement and supports of your friends and dear persons will be steady.
But post Aug 2023 great discipline and concentration will be required to do work with systematic approach.
That’ why mental calm and coolness must be required in remaining period of 2023, otherwise a hasty movement in your career may disturb your path.
So you should careful and conscious about that.
YEAR 2024: (30 JUN 2024)
Your professional involvement will again rise along with increasing your working hours but you should not hesitate for it and continued your sincere and disciplined efforts.
During 2024 working environment would not be positive, so care is needed to keep patience & harmony in professional life.
Due to your hasty decision such professional mistakes may increase your professional troubles.
Its negative impacts and effects would be continued till Jun 2024.
Returns will not be as per your expectations and hope.
For getting better results you will have to canalize your abilities and try to make balance in working environment.
Adjustment with colleagues & seniors and hard work would be profitable for coming future.
So you should very conscious and energetic to utilize your available resource and time.
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