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We have been providing Astrology Consultation and advice on true Vedic principles since the year 2000. Over two million customers have benefited with our free and premium services till date. We have prepared Detailed D10 Career report with 5 years Scan:

1. Factors influencing career in the birth chart:
Any horoscope is judged mainly from the ascendant and the Moon sign.
Strength of ascendant and Moon sign and of their lords are very important.
Career is evaluated with respect to these reference points.
Since career is represented by the 10th house [more precisely the point 300 degrees away from any reference point], we need to assess the 10th house from the reference points.
The strength of the lord of career house from ascendant and from Moon will be equally important and must be checked for their contribution.

The overall strength or weakness of the career houses will be influenced by the strength of their lords and also by other planets through their relative positions and also by their aspects on important areas.
All these effects will be seen with respect to the applicable planetary periods [main and sub periods] and also the transits that are applicable at any given time.
Mutual relation between various transits and yoga-s present in a horoscope are also taken into consideration.

2. A basic assessment of the D10 chart & strength of the birth chart career factors in D10 chart:

The planets’ strength in 10th house with secondary clues from planets in 6th and 7th house:
Your ascendant in birth chart D1 is Sagittarius.
Jupiter, the lord of ascendant, is quite strong in Shadbala but has nearly zero digbala [directional strength] and hence Jupiter is entirely inactive in offering good results.
Further Jupiter is afflicted by loss house lord Mars and is also placed at the center of the nodal axis.
Mercury, the lord of career house from ascendant, is strong but has less than average digbala and he may give only average results.
Further Mercury is ill placed in conjunction with Rahu.
Your Moon sign is Gemini.
Mercury, the lord of Moon sign, is much afflicted as given above.
Jupiter, the lord of career house from Moon, is much afflicted as given above.
Due to various reasons, the 10th house in your birth chart will contribute more to career advancement, as compared to the 6th house or 7th houses.

B. The planets aspecting the 10th house:
The 10th house from ascendant of birth chart D1 does not get any aspect from benefic planets but gets malefic aspect of Mars.
The 10th house from Moon does not get any aspect of benefic planets but gets malefic aspect from Sun-Rahu combination.

C. The D10 Chart
Taurus is your ascendant in D10 chart while its lord, Venus is placed in the career house [very positive].
Saturn, the career house from ascendant, is ill placed at the center of the nodal axis and also gets malefic aspect of Mars [quite negative].
Moon sign in D10 chart is in Cancer.
Moon is ill placed with Mercury.
Mars, the lord of career house from Moon, is placed in the 8th house from Moon [quite negative].
Jupiter and Mercury, the lords of career houses from ascendant and Moon sign of D1 birth chart, are quite ill placed in D10 chart.
Jupiter is with Saturn while Mercury is with Moon.
During the next five years, the main period lord Saturn and sub period lords Mercury, Ketu and Venus are variously ill placed in D1 and also in D10 chart.

3. Best career path to follow as per D10 chart:
Employment career will be the most suitable, stable and growth oriented for you.
You can get many opportunities in this type of career.
Business or self employment will not be beneficial though you may have the ability to work well in these areas but will miss out on suitable opportunities or overall luck.

4. Industries & types of profession suitable as per D10 chart:
Areas related to leadership roles, intellectual careers involving much mental activity, accountancy, insurance, banking, NBF industry, financial management, medicine and all allied areas, health care services industry, pharmaceutical industry, journalism, tourism and travel industry, hospitality industry, press and publications, communication, import-export, liquids and chemicals industry.

5. Predictions for next five years:
The years 2016-2021 [till 15 Jul 2021] will offer mixed results that will be better during the first part and will decline during the last part.
To give this positive trend a higher tone, you should take full advantage of various yoga-s [Chandra-Mangal yoga and Budh Aditya yoga] present in your birth chart.
The current main period lord Saturn [rules till 02 Jun 2031] is very weak and also very ill placed in Leo sign and in the 9th house from ascendant in D1 birth chart and at the center of the nodal axis in Career chart D10].

The applicable sub period lords during the next five years are Mercury, Ketu and Venus.
Mercury is highly afflicted as given above.
Ketu in the 4th house from ascendant in D1 birth chart will create many fluctuations in career while Ketu, in the 2nd house from ascendant, obstruct good earnings.
Venus has very poor digbala [hence inactive in giving good results] and is highly inauspicious and placed with Saturn in D1 chart.
Thus the main or sub period lords are quite unable to adequately protect or promote your career by their contribution.
Thus you will need to utilize with full fervor all the available opportunities arising out of transits of important planets.

Till 27 Oct 2017:

This is a basically very difficult and challenging period and has to be handled accordingly.
But there will be a few points that can help your career to progress.
During this period transit Saturn will be in the 6th house from your Moon sign Gemini [very positive for progress in career].
At the same time transit Jupiter will be in your career house from ascendant during mid Aug 2016 to mid Aug 2017 and then in gain house from ascendant during mid 2017 to mid 2018.
Thus progress in career is much expected.
This is possible after 14 Aug 2016 and may spill over to 2017.
You may change to a new and better job with more pay.
Alternately you can get an expansion in your current role in current job along with more responsibility and more pay.
Handled with calm mind, this period have the potential to push your career forward and you will need to put in the efforts towards this.

Till 25 Jan 2020:

This period will not be as favorable as the last one.
Transit Saturn will be in the 7th house from Moon sign and also in the ascendant.
Transit Jupiter will remain favorable till 2019 [25 Jan 2021].
Change of job is quite possible, during 2018.
Progress in income will occur and such increase in income will be steady.
Your responsibilities will increase and your accomplishments will be quite good.
Focus on projects and things that require short time for completion.
Do not start new or long range projects as these will be delayed.
You may face disharmony at work, many disagreements with others, and may have some fear from enemies.

Till 15 Jul 2021:

This is a difficult period [due to transit Saturn in the 8th house from Moon sign but it is a good period for you on long term.
You may be liable to take incorrect actions at work.
Even otherwise you will see your actions being criticized.
You will not get any cooperation at work.
Unsavory displeasures from superiors or the authorities and some restrictions from them are expected.
On the positive side you will learn to depend more on yourself and will get to know your own resources and the value of them.
You will also get to know the reality of people around you.

6. Remedies - if any, considering the D10 chart:
Pray to Sun God in the morning and offer water.
Avoid non vegetarian food on Saturdays.
Donate to orphanages, whenever possible.

7. Suggestions for improvement in your career based on your D10 chart:
Your natural intelligence and proficiency in work in any area are good.
But you may not get the full benefit of these if you do not develop more self control, improve your judgment and communication and avoid disagreements with superiors and sudden bouts of anger.
Any possible aggressiveness towards your seniors at work must be curtailed.
Otherwise your ego and anger will continue to affect your patience too easily and will also disturb your physical vitality that is necessary for sustained hard work and good performance.
Your attitude will cause many controversies, displeasures of superiors and others, and will also cause many obstructions in your progress.

You will need to strike a balance between what you prefer to do and what needs to be done for your benefit in career and other areas of life.
This is very important and even crucial since you may also have an inclination to stick to one extreme or the other of any matter or issue and may not be ready to be on the middle of the road.
This tendency will create many very difficult situations for you and too much enmity and unpopularity will be generated.
You will do well to accept others’ views and opinions too, based on merit or not based on ego.
Also most events in your career will occur and move in a predestined manner and you will not have any control over them.
Your efforts to stop them or to change them will bring doubly negative results.
You will need to go by these events as they come.
Cooperate willingly to get cooperation.
Take regular small breaks in your work or your health can be affected and will thus slow down your overall progress.

8. Things to avoid for success in career:
Avoid hasty judgment, speech and action.
Do not go for any arguments with seniors.
Do not expect your own views, opinions, way of working or your own priorities will be accepted by your seniors or your team members or subordinates as this will not happen normally.
Expecting less through career will give you energy and positivity as your efforts will have more chances to be successful.

But while trying to achieve the above, you must avoid all varieties of controversies at all times.
Maintain high work ethics, stay organized, grounded and disciplined in your work and maintain high standards of obedience to seniors and professional integrity.
Focus only on real hard work and nothing else.
Maintain decent thinking and precise and honest communication.
Sincere hard work should be your target and should also be your bench mark.